Modules and imports in mgmt
Understanding mgmt modules, imports, and entry points

Mgmt modules are used for structuring your code across multiple files. This keeps things readable and allows for code reusability. For example, it should be easy to write a single module which can be effectively used by many different parties. To me, it never felt like code reuse was a core design objective with other tools. In mgmt it has been since the very beginning. I’m very proud of our module system, so let me introduce you to it properly.

Historical problems:

Anyone who used Puppet knows there were typically multiple different modules for each task or service. I even contributed to this problem by writing my own puppet modules as well!

It was necessary to reinvent the wheel continually for two main reasons:

  1. The strangeness of the “programming language” design limited how you could build things. As a result, there was a lot of pre-planning needed for the specific use case that you were aiming for, and so code reuse was challenging.

A simple example: in puppet you only had “facts” which ran on the server, and you had to have a list of everything you’d want to run in advance. The idea that you might not want to run every single fact, or that you might want to pass in arguments to a particular fact, somehow was not considered.

Requiring back-and-forth communication between the client and the server was an architectural mess. You should only communicate what you really need to if you care about distributed-systems hygiene and scaling.

As a result, mgmt has a different operating model, which is compatible with a modern distributed-systems mentality, and of course, it supports real functions!

  1. The incompleteness of the “programming language” didn’t consider modelling of time and what a future unified world of automation should look like.

A simple example: If you wanted to autoscale, you’d really be using that tool to configure another tool to do that job for you, and so on. You’d have these unsafe boundary layers (passing data from one format and type to another) between tools, which made it very difficult to model complete systems properly.

The tools were not powerful enough to accomplish the entire goal, so you’d have to be clever with how you built things. Expressing a more complex interface that could be happily used by more than one consumer was challenging.

A more powerful language was the solution, however I didn’t want to sacrifice safety, which is why mcl is an FRP.

We can now model time safely, and express things that would have previously required multiple different classes of tools, and many different classes of bugs.

We knew about time, but choose to ignore it.


Let’s start with the import statement. There are many useful system modules which you may wish to import and use. A system module is one which begins and ends with a normal alphanumeric character, such as fmt or golang/strings. It may not contain a (.) period.

A complete list of available modules and their contained functions is available here.

Imported modules can also contain classes and variables, but those are not generally seen in system modules.

You do not need to “import” resources. All resources are available to the user automatically.

Once you import a module, the last token in its name is used as the handle for referencing the contents. For example:

import "fmt"
import "golang/strings"

$words = [
$sentence = strings.join($words, " ")

print "sentence" {
	msg => fmt.printf("sentence: %s", $sentence),

As you can see fmt and strings are the handles used for the two functions that we use in this example.

Import as:

You can choose a different handle name if you want. For example:

import "fmt" as blah

print "sentence" {
	msg => blah.printf("hello world"), # blah is the handle here

You can also import <module> as *, which splats the contents of the module all over the current namespace, although I generally don’t recommend it when importing system modules. It’s much better to be explicit.

Import can also be used to import local subdirectories as well as modules from git, but let’s first look at the structure of a module.


Let’s dive into the basic structure of a module. As an example, I’ll use the shorewall module which I’ve added to the core collection of useful mcl modules in mgmt.

$ tree shorewall/
├── files
│   ├── interfaces
│   ├── interfaces.frag.tmpl
│   ├── policy
│   ├── policy.frag.tmpl
│   ├── rules
│   ├── rules.frag.tmpl
│   ├── shorewall.conf.tmpl
│   ├── snat
│   ├── snat.frag.tmpl
│   ├── stoppedrule.frag.tmpl
│   ├── stoppedrules
│   ├── zones
│   └── zones.frag.tmpl
├── main.mcl
└── metadata.yaml

In the root directory you only need there to be one file for it to be considered a module. That file is named metadata.yaml, which can even be empty! This file tells mgmt where it should search for the initial code entry point and it also gives it a static list of files to include in part of the “deploy”.


By default (if the metadata.yaml file is empty) the code entry point is main.mcl and any files can be found in the files/ directory. Both of those locations can be overridden in the yaml file, but they are sensible defaults which you should probably not change.

If you did want to override one of these locations, or if you wanted to add some additional metadata to your module, you can add it in the metadata.yaml file. For example, it might instead look like this:

main: "james/hello.mcl"	# This is not the default, the default is "main.mcl".
files: "myfiles/"	# This is a different location for the files/ folder.
path: "path/"		# You can change the module path, but try not to here.

As with all things in mgmt, remember that directories end with a slash!

Explicit path following:

In some tools, you need to place their “classes” and “roles” and “templates” in various magic directories for things to work. I always found this confusing and user-hostile. Maybe I want the structure to follow my more logical pattern?

Keep in mind, that in some ways we want our concepts to be more similar to those found in general-purpose programming languages. Can you imagine if golang forced a certain folder structure on its users? Just because you’re a DSL, doesn’t mean you should throw away that practice! And just because you have the freedom to choose your own directory structure, doesn’t mean there are no good conventions to follow!

One advantage of explicit path following, is that the compiler can deterministically build a list of every single item which is being used, and that can be used to create a packaged “deploy”.


Previously, we mentioned a files/ directory corresponding to the files key in the metadata.yaml file. The files/ path (or whatever you choose to name it) is special because it is the location which is used to find files in if asked by the deploy.readfile function.

For example, given the above directory structure, you may wish to use the shorewall.conf.tmpl as a template, and store the output of running that template in /etc/shorewall/shorewall.conf which would look like:

import "deploy" # access stuff relating to the bundle of modules
import "golang" # contains a golang-style template(...) function

# pull out the contents of this file, note the leading slash
$tmpl = deploy.readfile("/files/shorewall.conf.tmpl")
$values = struct{
	# some values to pass into the template could go in here...

file "/etc/shorewall/shorewall.conf" {
	state => $const.res.file.state.exists, # a magic var of value "exists"
	content => golang.template($tmpl, $values), # run the template
	owner => "root",
	group => "root",
	mode => "u=rw,go=",

You can see that the deploy.readfile function returns the file contents, which are passed to the golang.template function, which passes them to the file resource. Of course if we don’t want to run the templating engine, we could pass the file content into the resource from deploy.readfile directly.

You might also notice that deploy.readfile takes an absolute path which is rooted in the directory root of the module that it’s in. In other words, relative to the directory the main.mcl is in, the file is at /files/shorewall.conf.tmpl. The /files/ prefix is not a “magic word”, it’s the actual directory! We need that prefix because how else would we access the other files? For example:

import "deploy"

print "print" {
	msg => deploy.readfile("/main.mcl"), # this refers to itself!

This program reads its own contents and prints them, which makes this roughly a quine!

If you’ve used tools like puppet, you’ll remember that the template() function only read files from the templates/ directory, which was different from their files/ directory. All of this sillyness is gone, and things can now work sensibly. Why not let a template and static file co-exist in the same folder, so that the developer doesn’t need to cd around as much!

So what makes the files/ directory special if we’re explicitly specifying its path in deploy.readfile anyways? What’s special is that this directory is included in the deployed “bundle” of code when mgmt runs. If you don’t include the file in that directory, then it won’t be found when mgmt runs.

Importing files and directories:

Your module might like to split code into multiple files and directories. To import a file, just include the relative path to that file. For example, assume that your directory now looks like this:

$ tree project1/
├── internal
│   ├── data
│   │   ├── main.mcl
│   │   └── metadata.yaml
│   ├── james
│   │   └── main.mcl
│   └── timemachine
│       ├── files
│       │   ├── flux_capacitor.FCStd
│       │   └──
│       ├── main.mcl
│       └── metadata.yaml
├── main.mcl
├── metadata.yaml
├── profiles.mcl
├── roles.mcl

In the root, we have an empty metadata.yaml entry point. This then starts things off at main.mcl:

import "regexp"				# a system import

import "roles.mcl" as role		# a relative file import

import "internal/data/"			# a relative dir/module import

# This is a regular "if" statement, no custom "node" keyword even exists!
if $hostname == "delorian" {		# some mgmt code
	include role.timemachine

# Match on any hostname of the pattern app1, app2, appN...
if regexp.match("^app\\d+$", $hostname) {
	include role.application

print "hello" {
	msg => $data.owner,	# use some data

Our roles.mcl file, might then contain:

import "profiles.mcl" as profile

class timemachine() {
	include profile.base
	include profile.ssh_server
	include profile.delorean
	# more included classes...

class application() {
	include profile.base
	include profile.ssh_server
	# more included classes...

And lastly in our profiles.mcl file, it might contain:

import "internal/data/"		# organizational data
import "internal/james/"	# my personal module
import "internal/timemachine/"	# for managing the delorean

import "" as misc	# a git import!

class base() {
	# Things that should be on *every* machine go here.
	include james.base

	# Every machine should have it's own ssh keypair.
	include misc.ssh_keygen("root")

class delorean() {
	include timemachine.speed("bttf-2015", struct{
		kmh => 142,
		mr_fusion => true,
		colour => $data.favourite_colour, # probably blue

Take some time to read through these carefully. It’s easy to follow the single file imports like import "roles.mcl" as role and the import "internal/data/" style. If you don’t use the as syntax, then in the aforementioned two cases, an automatic handle of roles and data will be used.

You may also wish to make note that there is no metadata.yaml file in the james/ folder. We’ll talk about that below.

Importing parent modules:

Yes you can include ../ in your imports when you specify a relative path.

import "../internal/data/"		# valid relative import

This is valid, but it is hopefully unnecessary for most modules. As long as your import graph is a DAG (no cycles) then it’s legal. If you’re using a lot of these, then it might be a good idea to rethink how you’re structuring your code.

Importing git modules:

You’ll notice there is one long-form module import there beginning with https://. This does what you probably expect, and it’s similar to what the golang community has come to expect. Simply put some code in a git repo, and it can be downloaded from that remote path! The actual schema specified is used, so you probably want git:// for normal git repositories, and https:// for many of the current hosting services which serve git over https.

At the moment, identifiers are all lowercase and don’t allow dashes, so if you import a package with: git://", this will get transformed into module_name.

If you happen to name the final directory something of the form: mgmt-foo/, then the module will automatically get given a handle of foo if you don’t use the as syntax.

For example:

import ""

print "hello" {
	msg => $magic.abracadabra(), # runs the function from that module

Downloading the code...

To cause a download to occur, you’ll need to include the --download or --only-download flags as part of your mgmt run lang or mgmt deploy lang commands. You can also use --update to ensure you get the latest versions.

For example, you may run:

mgmt run --tmp-prefix lang --download --update foo.mcl

to make sure you have the latest versions of everything, but where does that code get downloaded to?


Anytime you run mgmt, you’ll need a “module path” specified, which tells it where to look for and store any modules. You can specify this in three ways:

  1. With the --module-path [PATH] command line argument.

  2. In the MGMT_MODULE_PATH environment variable.

  3. In the path key of the metadata.yaml file.

The above precedence order applies. Make sure that the directory itself exists, since mgmt will not create it for you. This prevents unexpected module directories from appearing on your system when you didn’t expect them to.

Running mgmt:

Combining everything we’ve learned so far, you could now run mgmt with:

mgmt run --tmp-prefix lang --module-path=mypath/ --download --update foo.mcl


mgmt run --tmp-prefix lang --download --update ./metadata.yaml

and so on…

Entry points:

Whenever you run mgmt, create a “deploy”, or import a module, mgmt has a concept of “entry points” which it uses to determine how to “find that code”. It is a simple search sequence which it follows to turn your requested input into a runnable scenario. Let’s list the precedence rules first:

  1. empty
  2. stdin
  3. metadata.yaml
  4. file.mcl
  5. dir/
  6. code
  7. error

Let’s go over each one:

  1. We have no input, nothing happens. (We may consider adding a default action to look in /etc/mgmt/ for code by default if there’s enough of a demand for that.)

  2. We have a - (dash) so we look at stdin. Type or pipe in some code and it will run.

  3. We have the path to a metadata.yaml file. That’s our entry point, we follow it to the first main.mcl file (or whatever it specifies) and we also take any other information defined there into account.

  4. We’re given a path to a single whatever.mcl file. We start running from there.

  5. We’re given a directory. We look inside that directory first for metadata.yaml, and if so we follow that. Otherwise we look for main.mcl which is the built-in default.

  6. We assume our input is a string of some actual mcl code. We try to run it.

  7. We error. You’ve failed to specify a valid entry point for mgmt.

Note that for #5, this is why the above james/ folder with only a single main.mcl file in it, is a valid import. When the system sees that folder, it automatically looks for metadata.yaml, which it doesn’t find, and then falls back to main.mcl which it does. Remember that if a files/ dir was present, it will not be included in a deploy.

Running in production:

If you want to run mgmt in production, there are a few ways to go about it. We’ll talk more about this in a future article about “deploys”, but as a sneak peak, you may find it valuable to store your main code repo in /etc/mgmt/. Inside that directory there are two possible scenarios:

  1. Nested modules

In this first scenario, you may wish to put your code into /etc/mgmt/ or even /etc/mgmt/main/ and your metadata.yaml file inside that directory. Alongside it, there should be a directory named modules/ which contains the module tree. That path can be specified either in the metadata.yaml file, or with the --module-path argument. This latter variant is preferred.

This “nested modules directory” variant is preferred for users who are comfortable with git submodules, and wish to store everything in a giant mono repo. This is a very excellent way to develop and manage your code.

  1. Modules abreast

In this scenario, you’ll want to have your code in /etc/mgmt/main/ and a modules/ directory in /etc/mgmt/modules/. Your “module path” will get specified by command line arg when you run mgmt.

This more classical scenario is easier for users who want to simplify their git experience, or who are developing mgmt. This is because it makes it easy to rsync up a module path from your development environment and run it directly.

Whatever way you choose to run mgmt is up to you. If you think there’s a better way, please let me know!

Side effects from import:

Suppose you had the following two files:

# nested/main.mcl
$answer = 42
print "hello" {
	msg => "this is in the nested module",


# main.mcl
import "fmt"

import "nested/"

print "answer" {
	msg => fmt.printf("the answer is: %d", $nested.answer)

What do you expect to happen if you ran this? The answer is that this code will error at compile time. This is because “the action of an import should not cause a side effect”. In the top-level scope of the nested/ module, there is a bare resource! Importing it would effectively make it part of the main scope, which is not allowed implicitly.

Instead, write your modules so they instead look like:

# nested/main.mcl
$answer = 42
class run() {
	print "hello" {
		msg => "this is in the nested module",


# main.mcl
import "fmt"

import "nested/"


print "answer" {
	msg => fmt.printf("the answer is: %d", $nested.answer)

This way effectors need to be explicitly pulled in. Nothing happens accidentally. You’ll encounter similar safeguards if you try and import a module which has an include statement in its top-level scope.

Git at the core:

You’ll have noticed by now, that the use of git is fully baked into the mgmt system. This keeps things simple and standardized. The lesson was learned from golang: By supporting more than one dvcs in the core, they were forced to make many design compromises, whilst also adding code complexity. We think one dvcs is the best way forward. This will become more apparent when you use the “deploy” system. If there is a good reason to re-evaluate this decision, we will.

Pinning versions:

Users invariably want to “pin” dependency versions. I generally think this is not a good practice, as it’s much more beneficial to have a git master (or git main) which is always both the best and the most stable. This makes development easier for many reasons, but it is not the common place situation.

As a result, if you do want to pin a specific version, I recommend you use “git submodules”. They actually do work great, but if you have tunnel-vision about them, then I’m more than willing to accept a patch that does “go.mod” style versioning, but under the hood is just running the git commands for you.

If you’re not convinced about submodules, then first book a training session and we’ll make sure you feel like a pro!

Modules vs. packages:

A note on naming. In discussing modules, I often use the word “package” interchangeably. I might have even done it in the source code or in other blog posts. This is generally a mistake, but I think the word (at least at this time) is roughly synonymous. If you notice the error in writing, feel free to point it out, and if I say “package” assume I’m really talking about “modules”.

Organizing code:

Lastly, a note on organizing the structure of your projects. I’m not sure that there is an authoritative answer here. The historical, pre-mgmt solution was called “roles and profiles” and it served us fairly well. I’d love to see an updated version of that for mgmt.

There are some important differences that may make the situation unique. In mgmt, we do not have a node statement, and the equivalent of “node classification” (as it was called in puppet land) can happen anywhere in the code base, and it doesn’t need to be at the top-level!

As a result, we should revisit the old decisions and analysis, but the old work is a good starting point, and I’ve been using that pattern for now.


I know this is a long article, and I’m sorry I didn’t write it sooner, but I hope it serves as a good reference for you to put mgmt in production!

Enterprise support, training, and consulting are all available.

Happy Hacking,


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December 3, 2024
3592 words

entrypoints git imports mcl mgmt mgmtconfig modules planetfedora



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