Upcoming Speaking and Events
Where to get your mgmt fix in the next month

mgmt @ FOSDEM:

Later today I’m giving four talks about mgmt at FOSDEM. I’m also giving two more on the following day. (One is a 5 min lightning talk.) I don’t know how I got accepted for so many talks, I just replied to the CFP for every room where I thought I had something interesting to share, and well, here we are!

I got rejected for the main track again, but I guess it’s up to me to make my work more generally appealing first.

mgmt @ CfgMgmtCamp:

On the 4th, I’ll be giving two talks at CfgMgmtCamp, which immediately follows FOSDEM. On the last day of the event, there will be a mgmt hackathon, which is also free to attend.

I’ll be giving out stickers if you find me or come to a talk!

An early mgmt sticker collector might have all of these stickers!

Hacking around the world:

After all that winds down, I’ll be hanging out in Antwerp, Belgium for two weeks to hack on mgmt and eat local cuisine. Feel free to contact me if you’re in the area and would like to hack.

Sponsored hacking:

Right afterwards the folks at Normation who work on Rudder and sponsoring my expenses for a three day hackathon in Paris. Their offices are there, and I’m looking forward to helping them use mgmt!

If you or your company would like to do something similar, please let me know.

New features!:

There’s lots of new stuff in mgmt. We even made a new release recently, and you can download pre-built binaries!

$ mgmt --version
<download mgmt to find out!> ;)


I hope you help contribute! It’s not easy self-funding such a project of my savings, so every patch or donation helps!

Happy Hacking,


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February 2, 2019
355 words

antwerp belgium brussels cfgmgmtcamp fosdem gent mgmtconfig paris planetfedora




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