Show the exit status in your $PS1

As an update to my earlier article, a friend gave me an idea of how to make my $PS1 even better… First, the relevant part of my ~/.bashrc:

ps1_prompt() {
	local ps1_exit=$?

	if [ $ps1_exit -eq 0 ]; then
		#ps1_status=`echo -e "\[\033[32m\]"'\$'"\[\033[0m\]"`
		ps1_status=`echo -e "\[\033[1;31m\]"'\$'"\[\033[0m\]"`


	if [ "$(__git_ps1 %s)" != '' -a "$(__git_ps1 %s)" != 'master' ]; then
		ps1_git=" (\[\033[32m\]"$(__git_ps1 "%s")"\[\033[0m\])"

	PS1="${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]${ps1_git}${ps1_status} "

# preserve earlier PROMPT_COMMAND entries...
If you haven’t figured it out, the magic is that the trailing $ prompt gets coloured in red when the previous command exited with a non-zero value. Example:
james@computer:~$ cdmkdir /tmp/ttboj # yes, i built cdmkdir
james@computer:/tmp/ttboj$ false
james@computer:/tmp/ttboj$ echo ttboj
james@computer:/tmp/ttboj$ ^C
james@computer:/tmp/ttboj$ true
james@computer:/tmp/ttboj$ cd ~/code/puppet/puppet-gluster/
james@computer:~/code/puppet/puppet-gluster$ # hack, hack, hack…
You can still:
$ echo $?
if you want more specifics about what the exact return code was, and of course you can edit the above ~/.bashrc snippet to match your needs.

Hopefully this will help you be more productive, I know it’s helping me!

Happy hacking,


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