Dear readers,
I’ve started the slow migration of code from puppet 2.6 all the way to 3.x+. There were a few things I wasn’t clear on, so hopefully this will help to discuss these and make your migration easier!
I used hiera in 2.6, and I actually like it a lot so far. I was concerned that automatic lookups would pull in values that I wasn’t expecting. This is not the case or a worry. Let’s dive in and let the code speak:
# create a class in a module or site.pp for testing...
class foo(
$a = 'apple',
$b = 'banana'
) {
notify { 'foo':
message => "a is: ${a}, b is: ${b}",
# define it using :: as a prefix because we want to search in the
# top level, module namespace. optional if we only have one foo.
class { '::foo':
# /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml
- yaml
- globals
- whatever
- youlike
:datadir: /etc/puppet/hieradata/
# /etc/puppet/hieradata/whatever.yaml (because of - whatever above)
foo::a: 'somevalue' # this many colons is actually valid syntax
dude: 'sweet'
will produce:
Notice: a is somevalue, b is: banana
Notice: Finished catalog run in 3.14159265359 seconds
This is the automatic lookup. You probably have zero risk of collision with earlier data in your hiera yaml files, because these lookups use keys that match the classname::paramname pattern. If you had used :: (double colons) in your keys before, then you’re insane, and you should check for any collisions! The downside to this is that my whatever.yaml looks awkward with all those colons, but I got over that very quickly.
The full lookup order is first:
# directly specified values first (of course)
class { '::foo':
a => 'this value is used first if set.',
and then:
# values matching an appropriate yaml key:
foo::a: 'this value is used next if found.'
and finally:
class foo(
$a = 'this parameter default value is used last.'
$b = 'b is still for banana...'
) {
# do stuff...
all as detailed in: Finding this link and setting me down the path to knowledge was all thanks to eric0 in #puppet. Thanks Eric!
Make sure to reload your puppetmaster after you make any changes to /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml, and as always:
Happy hacking,
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